Pool Maintenance

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Keeping and Maintaining the value of your pool home requires knowledge and regular attention. 

Here are some common problems faced by Florida pool owners and how they can be addressed through regular maintenance:


  1. Algae growth - Algae can grow quickly on pool surfaces in hot and humid climates like Florida. It can cause the water to turn green and make it slippery and unsafe to swim. Regularly brushing pool walls, balancing water chemistry, and maintaining proper filtration can prevent algae growth.


  1. Chlorine loss- The Florida sun and high temperatures can cause chlorine levels to drop quickly. Regularly adding chlorine to the pool can help prevent bacteria and viruses from growing in the water.


  1. pH imbalance - Pool water should have a pH level of 7.2 to 7.8. An imbalance can cause skin and eye irritation and damage pool equipment. Regularly testing pool water and adding chemicals to adjust the pH can prevent this problem.


  1. Clogged filters - A dirty pool filter can reduce water circulation and lead to algae growth, cloudy water, and damage to pool equipment. Regularly cleaning or replacing pool filters can help ensure proper water flow.


  1. Equipment failure - With constant use and high temperatures, pool equipment can fail and cause problems like inadequate water circulation and water damage. Regular maintenance and routine check-ups can detect and address any issues before they become more significant and costly to repair.

If you want to see the value of your pool home. Send me a message at: (352) 989-3336